July 22, 2023

If you hold a pro-gun rally and no one comes, is it really still a rally?

That is a question the ammosexuals in Michigan have to ask themselves. For over a decade, they held an annual rally at the state capital, marching around and stroking their phallic symbols in a ritual of ammosexual masturbation.

But since the Democrats took over both house of the legislation and the governor's office, the state has seen an influx of - gasp! - sensible gun laws, including universal background checks, the requirement to store weapons and ammo safely, and red flag laws. All of a sudden, these big tough rednecks aren't so big or tough anymore.

Even with big ammosexual celebrities like Killer Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark McCloskey could not muster more than a few scores of people. I'm sure that it didn't help any that Rittenhouse was once again talking out of his ass and showing just how utterly clueless he is:

Rittenhouse called House Minority Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, a “weak-kneed Republican” who "opened the door" to a red flag law. Hall was one of five House Republicans to vote for the three bills establishing safe storage, drawing outrage from some conservatives. Hall did not vote for the bills establishing a red flag law.

Rittenhouse may have also been under the impression that Republicans controlled the House — asking, "what's the point of a Republican majority?" — when in fact Democrats control both chambers of the Legislature. A message seeking comment was left with Hall's office.

Then again, Rittenhouse did a reveal that he was losing a lot of popularity, even among the right, when he did this poll on the bird app:

Looks like Killer Kyle should have actually made good on his claim that he was going to go to school. Well, he still young. He can still join the army and play with guns all day long.

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