Kinzinger Says Quiet Part Out Loud: Trump 'Going Insane'

Thank you Adam Kinzinger for saying what way too many weak-kneed politicians and political reporters are not willing to say. The man is literally nuts, and extremely dangerous because of it.

Thank you Adam Kinzinger for saying what way too many weak-kneed politicians and political reporters are not willing to say. The man is literally nuts, and extremely dangerous because of it. Trump has been threatening everyone and their grandmother since these criminal indictments have been piling up, and I'm not sure how anyone listens to a word he rants about these days without thinking that they're listening to a madman.

Here's Kinzinger from this Monday on CNN being asked by host Anderson Cooper about Trump's "If you go after me, I'm coming after you" crap and his ridiculous claim that it's just "political speech."

KINZINGER: No, I mean, it's garbage, obviously. He is -- look, Donald Trump is really good, and he's practiced this over decades of saying something, but in a way that you could somehow conceivably, at least with a straight face, argue that you mean something else. You see that through his whole life, through his whole career.

Of course he was sitting around angry, tweeted that out. He's mad. He's done other things to know, boy, it's not me, but this could turn really violent if you do this, and this is going to destroy our country. And not to mention all the other fake tweets he's put out where he's talked about, like, America is going to hell. Nancy Pelosi is going to hell.

You see a man that is literally, I think, literally losing his mind. I don't even mean that metaphorically. I think he's actually going insane. And so, no, I don't think it's just protected political speech when you make a threat, because, look, there are people out there that are going to take that seriously and they can go to take action.

I had a number of them reaching out to me in my office saying that, you know, if Donald Trump said something bad at me, that they're taking that literally and they're going to come after me and my 18- month-old kid. So this is a serious issue, and I agree with Elie, somebody's going to have to take action, I think.

COOPER: And yet none of the other really, I mean, other than Governor Christie and, you know, Asa Hutchinson, Will Hurd, are speaking of those running against him, are really taking him to task for This.

KINZINGER: Nobody is. And that's -- and, you know, Chris Christie did a fantastic job. Again, Asa, Will Hurd. But everybody else is, like, in this magical land where somehow Donald Trump will just simply disappear from the political scene. Somebody in a white horse is going to come down and bestow upon them the presidency, and so they won't have made any of his followers mad.

You cannot run against the front -- I mean, being president is like, you have to be a very strong person to be president of the United States. None of these candidates, besides those three, have shown that they're willing to take on even one of the weaker men in existence, Donald Trump. How can they take on Russia and China?

To me, I scratch my head at this. I get how some of my former colleagues are that way now. But you're running for president. Why so quiet?

Are you listening, Mike Pence? Pence could bury him if he finally gets tired enough of the humiliation. He qualified for the debate stage. I guess we'll find out if he gets a spinal transplant between now and then. I'm not optimistic.

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