Naomi Wolf Thinks Contraceptives Will Be Attached To Mosquitoes

In case anyone is still in doubt, Naomi Wolf is the queen of factless assertions.

In case anyone wonders, Naomi Wolf is still the queen of factless assertions. She is a paranoid anti-vaxxer who has gone straight around the bend.

Because I have followed her trip down the whacky right-wing anti-vax rabbit hole for years and years, I couldn't resist keeping this special clip for posterity. Appearing on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast, Wolf was apparently discussing vaccines being delivered by mosquitoes when she ramped it up another notch.

"The place I’m really worried about them going, now that they’ve had so much fun with mosquitoes infecting people with malaria, is that they’ll try to put some sort of contraceptive product into insects or into the water or into the environment because as you know, the huge central thrust of the whole Pfizer and now the Moderna rollout had to do with disrupting conception," she said.

WAIT. WTF? Let's start with the "mosquitoes infecting people with malaria is a Big Pharma plot," shall we? In what universe does this make sense? Her operating theory is that pharmaceutical companies infected mosquitoes with malaria and then released them into the wild? And why would those infected mosquitoes be in tropical settings when mosquitoes can be found literally anywhere there is standing water? It is a particularly odious paranoid mind that would actually utter words like that in public.

As for the idea that there was some sort of joint plot between Moderna and Pfizer to "disrupt conception," PFFFT. Here are the studies showing that there might be some small changes in cycles, but no affect on fertility was found in large scientific studies, things "Dr." Wolf has no actual concept of.

This is just red meat for Steve Bannon's whacko viewers. It's meant to feed their paranoia and fear. But Wolf should have her PhD revoked, just as a start for spreading these kinds of lies. Because yes, it's not a crime to lie but she shouldn't carry an academic patina when she does it.

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