Mike's Blog Round-Up
It's That Time of the Month, When M. Bouffant Brings Life to This Moribund Feature!
The Early Autumn Edition
Republicans are simply the worst, as evidenced by A.R. Moxon & Jill Dennison.
What's up at The Supreme Court? Why, corruption & influence-peddling, claims Outside the Beltway.
Good cartoon round-up from Brains and Eggs.
Space Cadet bonus: Off the Kuff on a "Mars" mission.
By M. Bouffant, who'd be owed at least US$30.00 for this were he getting California minimum wage. Stuff (For this feature, not your pathetic attempts to rustle up business. Try clicking "Contact" at the bottom of the page, ninnies!) may be submitted to mbru@crooksandliars.com.