Mike's Blog Round-Up

Stuff You Could Read During/Between Televised Athletic Competitions

September's over, October's here. Beginning of the new fiscal yr. & meteorological autumn, & last day of reg'lar season baseball (Remember, all the games start at Noon in the civilized world, & 1500 in the decadent East.) & the first day of the rest of your life. (Time is running out.)

Property is more important than lives: Tom Sullivan & Comrade Misfit note Trump's Friday speech.

Elon Musk crosses the border, from The Handbasket. (Get it?)

Burr Deming's wkly. wrap-up. I'd link this every wk. even if Mr. Deming weren't kind enough to include my efforts.

Just Above Sunset again offers images from the capital of the known universe.

By M. Bouffant, who is fed up! Send your submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com. Or don't. What do I care, I'm through here!!

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