Tuberville Won't Budge On Military Blockade Amid Attack On Israel

There is something seriously wrong with this man.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville has held up more than 300 military nominees, including top officers who would command forces in the Middle East. Israel was just pummeled with rockets by Hamas. It's allegedly about abortion with the Alabama Republican. And some, like Susie Madrak, think it's Trump's strategy to gain absolute power in a second term. And it could be to make President Joe Biden look bad. Either way, it's a dick move. We are Israel's ally, and Tuberville isn't budging.

Politico reports:

After Hamas attacked Israel, Senate Democrats said it was past time for several top-level military nominees to be approved. But a Tuberville spokesperson confirmed Sunday that the senator's position remains: Democrats must move top nominees individually until the Pentagon revokes its policy of covering travel costs for troops seeking an abortion across state lines.
Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) told POLITICO Saturday that America needs a Senate-confirmed chief of naval operations amid the chaos in Israel. Tuberville spokesperson Steven Stafford responded Sunday: “Sen. Schatz should do what Coach did and file a cloture petition,” referring to the senator, a former football coach.

Typically, military promotions are processed en masse, but individual senators have the leverage to require roll call votes. The Senate would have time for little else if it confirmed them all individually, so Tuberville’s blanket objection has effectively stalled the typically uncontroversial promotions process.

As a result, over 300 nominees are in limbo, including two picks for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and top officers slated to command U.S. forces in the Middle East.

It's almost as if Tuberville is sabotaging the military and Israel's well-being for Der Gröpenfuhrer:

“The severity of the crisis in Israel underscores the foolishness of Senator Tuberville’s blockade,” Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed said in a statement Sunday. “The United States needs seamless military leadership in place to handle dangerous situations like this, and Senator Tuberville is denying it.

“This is no time for petty political theater, and I again urge Republican colleagues to help actively end Senator Tuberville’s damaging blockade,” the Rhode Island Democrat added. “The time for talking is over.”

It's time for Republicans to put Tuberville in check. His resume, before being elected, was as a football coach. Can we please stop electing football coaches and reality TV show stars with zero political experience? Republicans need to stop calling themselves pro-military now.

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