Gov. Abbott Plans Military Base At Mexico Border As Latest MAGA Stunt
The Texas governor doesn’t want to say how much his FU to President Biden will cost taxpayers.

The conservative U.S. Supreme Court has already affirmed that the U.S. government has the right to remove Abbott’s razor wire stunt, one of his many immigration stunts.
But instead of doing something to protect his citizens from soaring gun violence, or even demanding that Congress pass the bipartisan immigration bill Republicans wanted until Donald Trump said it was better for his re-election prospects not to, Abbott is spending more taxpayer money for yet another performative caper.
From The Texas Tribune:
Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday announced that the state is building an 80-acre base camp in Eagle Pass for Texas National Guard soldiers who are deployed for Operation Lone Star, the $10 billion state effort to deter people from immigrating into Texas illegally.
Abbott said the new facility will house between 1,800 to 2,300 soldiers — the base would reach the higher figure if the state deploys more troops to the border — and each will have individual rooms.
Despite all that dough for Operation Lone Star, The Tribune notes that the deployed troops have faced numerous problems, including problems with their pay and shortages of medical equipment, cold weather gear and plates for their bulletproof vests.