Fox Host: Trump Sitting In Court Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment

Think you've heard it all from MAGAland? Now Trump must have a constitutional right to golfing.

Fox News' The Five co-host Jesse Watters claimed Trump is being abused and severely punished because he has to appear in court like any other criminal defendant, rather than be out on the golf course.

The Five MAGA squad wondered why Trump isn't booking a multitude of rallies while he's forced to be in a Manhattan courtroom during his trial.

Idiot Watters said Trump should be doing gas stations, and Staten Island, and then launched into a rant so silly he didn't give anyone time to react.

Watters: But the guy needs exercise. He's usually golfing. And so, you're going to put a man who's almost 80, sitting in a room like this on his butt for all that time? It's not healthy. You know how big of a health nut I am. He needs sunlight and he needs activity. He needs to be walking around, he needs action. It's really cruel and unusual punishment to make a man do that. And any time he moves, they threaten to throw him in prison.

Trump's exercise on the golf course is riding around in a golf cart while cheating anyone he plays.

Unknown to Watters' MAGA cult-infected brain, Jesse is also describing Diminished Donald as a severely handicapped, weak old man incapable of sitting down quietly for several hours of the day because it's hazardous to his health.

In Watters' world, all people over 75 should not be required to appear in court for any criminal indictment and should instead get plenty of sun, refreshments, and some putting time. Otherwise, the Supreme Court should step in and rule that he's being treated too cruelly.

Is Watters trying to be tagged as Trump's VP candidate?

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