Fox News Host Claims The Solar Eclipse Will Collide With The Border
Who knew a celestial event would take a back seat to the border?
On Fox News, co-host Dana Perino warned that the solar eclipse was intersecting ...with "the border"?
Introducing her second hour, Dana Perino saluted a guest with a "happy eclipse to you," and then claimed that the solar eclipse was going to collide with Biden's southern border policy.
"This very rare celestial event collides with a policy failure on the ground," Perino said. "The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes."
OMG! What will happen? Armageddon? Flooding, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions? Nope. Just that parts of the US, and the southern border will glimpse the eclipse.
Hemmer: We are told that officials are bracing for a higher traffic than usual. And that means a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.
Fox News has reporters far and wide following the total solar eclipse as it crosses the U.S. But the first location of totality is actually the southern border.
And that's where we find Bill Melugin, live in Eagle Pass, Texas, a place that you are well familiar with.
Melugin: We got double duty down here in Eagle Pass today. Eagle Pass actually expected to be the very first spot in all the United States where the totality of this eclipse is supposed to be seen.
But that is only if the weather cooperates. And right now it's not looking too good. We got forecasted overcast skies all day long here in Eagle Pass today.
And while everybody's going to be looking up, if you're looking down here at the border, here's some of what you're going to see. Take a look at this video from nearby New Mexico, which is seeing a surge of illegal alien evaders and gotaways.
On Fox News, every event is an opportunity to attack migrants, immigration, and the southern border.