Bannon And Alex Jones: FBI Wanted Trump To 'Bleed Out' At Mar-A-Lago Raid

This idea has been debunked for a while, but conspiracy theories never die in the MAGA cult.

Steve Bannon and Alex Jones ranted like fools when they both claimed that Merrick Garland and the FBI wanted to inflict serious bodily harm to Trump when they searched Mar-A-Lago.

These two are some of the worst traitors in US history.

BANNON: The deep state, you've seen this in Garland. Look, you just had Judge Cannon come out today and basically crap all over Jack Smith's head. At 10 o'clock at night on Friday, on the holiday weekend, Alex, Jack Smith filed and said, oh, this is terrible.

Julie Kelly, Steve Bannon, Mike Davis, they're saying everything about this assassination attempt. And let me be blunt, this was not a standard operating procedure.

Alex Jones, you know that better than anybody. This was, they were hoping for a confrontation. They were hoping in plain clothes that Secret Service would think it was an attack.

They were, even though Trump wasn't there, they were hoping, explain that. The standard, what they set up, they had use of lethal force approved. They had a combat medic that went with them.

They had a whole triage plan for casualties.

And they had a hospital to go to, a trauma center that was 18 miles away.

Well, Alex, you know West Palm Beach.

There's hospitals a lot closer than 18 months, 18 miles away.

And they wanted somebody to bleed out.

This entire thing was thought through in a high level of detail.

And they weren't absolutely sure Trump wasn't gonna be there.

Remember, those kinds of decisions by Trump were at the last minute.

Oh, exactly.

They were looking to have a confrontation that would be an armed confrontation.

They wouldn't have had the details on the trauma center.

JONES: And let's be clear, because they had them in plain clothes with a bunch of vehicles rolling up and driving through the security. They were hoping to act like, they even said it in the warrant, as you know, the Secret Service may engage them as if another federal agency would engage the feds.

Trump would have probably made stakes for the feds. I mean, Trump is a guy on a golf course, totally classy. The idea in his MO, it's like them storm trooping Giuliani's birthday party, that they're looking for somebody to think it's a burglary.

That's what they wanted.

That's the key.

They were in plain clothes.

That's the key.

No, you show up, you tell them, you pull up, we're Secret Service, we're here. We have a warrant in uniform or FBI of the Secret Service. The fact that they didn't do that was they were again, trying to hope somebody made a mistake.

BANNON: They were the, they were equivalent to the Apaches hitting Fort Apache.

Okay, this was, they rolled in hard.

They rolled in hard on a documents issue with the archivist. I mean, this is absurd. And they think you're fools by sitting there going standard procedure.

That is a bald face lie.

And Judge Cannon told them today, hey, don't come back with any crap like this and don't do it or you're gonna be sanctioned.

Pizzagate, anyone? Pay-up Alex.

I can't wait to see Bannon behind bars. Too bad it's only four months.

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