C&L's Late Nite Music Club: Gary Moore

I saw him in concert with Freddy King...Dy-no-mite'

Gary Moore is one of the least talked about guitarists of his time, but man could he rock.

Still Got the Blues For You is in my mind his signature track.

Music Radar conducted an excellent interview with Moore and he discussed his music and guitar playing in general.

Moore also has some advice for the prolix guitar player, and we have surely all been one, coming down with acute case of fretboard diarrhoea and using too many notes in our solos.

Take a phrase, says Moore, and work on it, playing around with all the different permutations, accenting the first, second, or maybe the last notes, working on the dynamics – these are all ways of workshopping your phrasing and learning how to make more out of something simple and familiar. Those phrasing skills can then be upscaled and deployed so that you don’t lose that sense of self-expression when playing faster solos.

Here's another video that's the companion of the interview. "Gary Moore talks blues rock"

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