Family Research Council: 'IVF Is Pornographic'

The is no limit to the bottom feeders of evangelicals that are now attacking IVF.

The Director of the Center for "Human Dignity" (yeah) at Family Research Council, Mary Szoch, scraped the bottom of the barrel of lunacy trying to attack the use of IVF by families.

On the Washington Watch podcast topic of "Christians and IVF" was discussed, and Szoch claimed a new law could allow Democrats to promote abortion services tied to Medicaid funding.

To highlight their crazy ideas, the FRC claimed the IVF industry is predatory and peddling pornography to aid in conception which they claim is "against God's will."

MARY SZOCH (FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL): ...recognizing that the IVF industry preys upon women.

There are all sorts of medical challenges that women face as the result of IVF, whether it's an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy or of preeclampsia or of multiple births, which brings with it a more challenging pregnancy.

But those physical challenges brought on by IVF don't even speak to the emotional and mental toll that the process takes. And that is a burden that's carried by both the mother and the father.

Pornography is an integral part of the IVF process. And the husband's use of pornography is typically how sperm is obtained. That's not good for a marriage. We know that pornography goes against what God tells us about the dignity of men and women and the marital act.

And then we know that embryos, while some of them do result in a baby that is one day held by the mother and father, we know that an embryo is a human being from the moment that embryo is conceived.

How do these types of hateful Christians know what God's will is for the marital act? Or for anything they disagree with in the real world? The FRC has been labeled a hate group by the SPLC

Szoch is a big supporter that an embryo is a human being, which, of course, is religious nonsense.
If she wants to be consistent, she should make the case that a droplet of sperm is a person as well and jail every man that jerks off.

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