Johnson's Latest Fauxrage: Security At The RNC Convention
Senator Ron Johnson is crying that the Secret Service won't isolate protesters at the RNC convention.
Senator Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) is complaining again, which, in itself, is nothing new. The guy isn't happy unless he's complaining. Biden's saving people from the pandemic. Brown-skinned people are coming into the country. They're charging Fearless Leader for crimes that he committed. It never stops with him.
His latest cause for griping is that protesters are being allowed to exercise their Freedom of Speech near the forums of the RNC convention in Milwaukee this summer. If one pays the slightest attention to what he says, it's easy to determine that it's just more faux outrage on RoJo's part:
Right, because they're pretty well relying on the fact that they developed a security plan for the DNC convention in the summer of 2020. Now, they developed that plan before the riots of 2020, certainly before January 6th. So, conditions have changed. Plus, that was a Democrat National Committee convention held in a Democrat city. So, when I first saw these plans a couple of weeks ago, I see the gathering spot for the protests, literally a block away from the convention. They originally had the entrance points on the street north and south adjacent to that park. You know, an obvious concern. So, I met with the Director of Secret Service, and she tells me, well, we established this plan based on our criteria over, you know, once we have this set, we risk lawsuits. In other words, she has the authority to set the plan, but now she doesn't believe she has authority to change the plan. I think it's ridiculous. I'm not taking that as an answer, and we're going to continue to highlight this, and hopefully she'll come to her senses. If something were to go wrong, and I hope and pray it doesn't, she and the people responsible for not changing the plan would be responsible.
First of all, the politics are different than they were four years ago, but the lay of the land isn't. There is no reason why the maps they drew up four years ago wouldn't work now. It sounds more like RoJo just doesn't want to be bothered with the riff raff known as his constituents. Along that same line, in 2020, the Secret Service answered to Trump, who was still president at the time. Is RoJo saying that Trump was endangering the Democrats or is he saying that Republicans are bigger snowflakes than the Democrats are. Also, the 2020 DNC convention is a moot point to begin with, since it never happened, thanks to Trump's epidemic.
Secondly, RoJo learned about the security plans a week ago. Why is it only a problem now for him? Or is he just trying to distract people from Trump's latest blunders?
But mostly, RoJo's problem is that Milwaukee has the highest population of people of color in the state, and he's already told us he is only concerned when the protesters are Black.