Robert De Niro: Trump Is A Coward And A Clown

"He will never leave" the White House.

On Tuesday morning, Robert De Niro joined former J6 Officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone at the Trump hush money/election interference case courthouse on behalf of the Biden re-election campaign.

Ha. More like this, please.

De Niro held a press conference to express his disgust about the cowardly clown who says he wants to destroy US democracy and turn this country into his dictatorship.

Taking a page from diminished Donald, the Academy Award-winning actor listed many of Trump's heinous actions throughout his lie-filled life -- to warn the American people what would happen if he wins this election.

ROBERT DENIRO: That Donald Trump is just across the street because he doesn't belong in my city.

I don't know where he belongs, but he surely doesn't belong here. We New Yorkers used to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot, a two-bit playboy lying his way into the tabloids, pretending to be a spokesman, a spokesperson for himself. He was calling it as himself for himself to fool the press into inflating his net worth. A clown.

But this city is pretty accommodating.

We make room for clowns. We have them all over the city: people who do crazy things in the street. We tolerate it. It's part of the city, it's part of the culture, but not a person like Trump who will eventually run the country. That does not work, and we all know that. Anyway, we make room for clowns to each his own. But no one takes him or took him really seriously.

They take him seriously now, of course. But around the country, people who didn't know him as we did, started to support him.

They bought into his bullshit. Trump bought their votes with outrageous lies and empty promises. He got the most religious evangelicals to applaud a sinner Who bragged about sexual assault, and just a couple of blocks from here, the jury found him liable for sexual abuse?

Somehow, he even got self-styled patriots to support a man who called for terminating the Constitution and on January 6th rallied an angry mob to threaten democracy, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

That's why I needed to be involved and wanted to be involved in the new Biden-Harris ad Because it shows the violence of Trump and Reminds us that he'll use violence against anyone who stands in the way of his megalomania and greed But it's a coward's violence You think Trump ever threw a punch himself or took one?

This guy ran and hid in the White House bunker when there were protesters outside No way He doesn't get blood on his hands.

No, he doesn't he directs the mob to do his dirty work for him by making a suggestion and an inference, and his gang grovels and follows his obvious order it's no surprise that the murder rate and other violent crimes peaked under Trump, and are falling under Biden and now he's promising to use our own military to attack US citizens. That's the tyrant. That's the tyrant. He's telling us he'll be, and believe me, he means it. When Trump ran in 2016, it was like a joke. This buffoon running for president now never could happen. We've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns Who weren't taken seriously. Until they became vicious?

Dictators, with Trump, we have a second chance, and no one is laughing now. This is the time to stop him by voting him out once and for all. We don't want to wake up after the election saying, "What, again? My God, what the hell have we done?"

We can't have that happen again. Yesterday was Memorial Day. It's a good time to reflect on how Americans fought and died so that we may enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to us by a democratic government, a Government that, as President Lincoln said of the people by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth,

Under Trump, this kind of government will perish from the earth. I Don't mean to scare you. No, no, wait. Maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted, and elections? Forget about it.

That's over. That's done. If he gets in I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave.

What that means is that country we want to live in do we want him running this country and saying I'm not Leaving; I'm a dictator for life.

I hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. This is not a threat, this is a reality. And that's why I've joined the Biden-Harris campaign because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president. We don't have a choice. On January 6, Republican lawmakers unspeakably tried to keep the loser, Trump the loser, Trump, in the White House.

Trump-inspired Insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, brave men and women from law enforcement put their lives on the line to defend this country and our democracy. They are the true heroes. These guys are the true heroes They stood and put their lives on the line for these low lives for Trump.

That's the way to do it.

I'm only shocked that Fox News played his entire speech.

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