Speaker Johnson Hopes For Terrorist Cells In The US Waiting To Attack

Republican leaders in Congress are all rooting for terrorist attacks on US soil.

Speaker Johnson appears to be openly rooting for a terrorist attack on US soil on Fox Business to help the convicted felon in the upcoming election.

Mike Johnson hyped an upcoming armageddon on Fox Business Network.

We believe there's probably terrorist cells set up around the United States now, all because Biden opened the border and refuses to close it. There's no way that anybody could possibly think that Republicans have anything to do with this.

How disgraceful is it for this milquetoast Christian nationalist to make wild accusations about terror cells attacking the country with no proof except for vitriol?

Yes, he's hoping beyond hope for a terrorist attack before November. But even worse than that, he knows there aren't terrorist cells, because he's briefed on all national security issues regularly as part of the Gang of 8, and if there were terrorist cells he wouldn't be speaking of them.

I mean, we just heard one lawmaker earlier say, we're waiting for another 9-11.

Yeah, look, it's certainly possible because of the dangerous situation that we have here.

And you know that they've been distributed all around the country, so all cities, all communities are potentially targets and it's a very serious situation.

You know, we had the Congressional baseball game last night, we had 28,000 people in that stadium here in D.C., I'm sure over 100 members of Congress there and staffs and important officials.

You know, I was sitting in the stadium thinking, wow, this is a dangerous situation.

You know, we're well protected here, but you can't possibly deter every harmful action and every plot and plan and we have made that possible because of that open border.

That's really distressing.

And there's so many unknowns because of what you mentioned, 350 people on the terrorist watch list.


What a piece of excrement. Fear mongering is all MAGA cultfuckers have to run on. I can understand some fuckface from Newsmax saying these words, but the Speaker of the House?

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