Steve Bannon Begs Appeals Court To Save Him From Prison

Steve Bannon claims to not be scared of prison, but his court filings say otherwise

Steve Bannon Begs Appeals Court To Save Him From Prison

Steve Bannon was ordered to report to prison on July 1st to begin a 4 month sentence for contempt of court after failing to comply with a lawful subpoena issued by the January 6th Committee.

Immediately after being ordered to report to court, he was defiant, saying "Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, the entire Justice Department, they're not going to shut up Trump, they're not going to shut up Navarro, they're not going to shut up Bannon, and they're certainly not going to shut up MAGA."

Well, just a week later, Bannon has changed his tune and is now begging the Appeals Court to intervene and pretty please keep him out of prison.

Read the filing here.

In the filing, he claims this is a "landmark case." It absolutely IS NOT. He got a subpoena. He defied it. Blatantly, I might add. He was found in contempt of court. Pretty basic, actually.

Towards the end, Bannon shows his (political) cards. He is desperate to stay free up until the election. Here is the passage:

"There is also a strong public interest in Mr. Bannon remaining free during the run-up to the 2024 presidential election. The government seeks to imprison him for the four-month period immediately preceding the November election—giving an appearance that the government is trying to prevent Mr. Bannon from fully assisting with the campaign and speaking out on important issues, and also ensuring the government exacts its pound of flesh before the possible end of the Biden Administration.

No one can dispute that Mr. Bannon remains a significant figure. He is a top advisor to the President Trump campaign, and millions of Americans look to him for information on matters important to the ongoing presidential campaign. Yet from prison, Mr. Bannon’s ability to participate in the campaign and comment on important matters of policy would be drastically curtailed, if not eliminated. There is no reason to force that outcome in a case that presents substantial legal issues."

The emergency appeal asks the Appeals Court to rule by TUESDAY, saying he wants to go to Supreme Court if rejected: "Mr. Bannon.. has retained experienced Supreme Court counsel"

Oopsie poopsie, Stevie. No alcohol in prison (except for fermented fruit toilet hooch) and you won't be able to layer 4 prison shirts.

Enjoy your 120 days in Club Fed!

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