June 6, 2024

Donald Trump's former campaign manager and advisor Steve Bannon cried crocodile tears at the courthouse today after being ordered to begin his prison sentence on July 1 for his conviction for contempt of Congress.

The scurrilous Real America's Voice host was sentenced to four months in prison, but was out on appeal.

Bannon whined that the Justice Department and Merrick Garland were putting him behind bars to silence him, which is a lie.

Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, the entire Justice Department, they're not going to shut up Trump, they're not going to shut up Navarro, they're not going to shut up Bannon, and they're certainly not going to shut up MAGA.

Bannon had refused to provide "documents and testimony to the House Select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. He was sentenced to four months in prison."

As one of the orchestrators of the seditious January 6th insurrection and phony electors plot to overthrow the government, his incarceration had nothing to do the 2024 election, nor did it really have much to do with the 2020 election. Congress wanted to ask Bannon questions, Bannon refused to appear, and so he was convicted of contempt for that body.

Nevertheless, he kept lying and crying, claiming this is about shutting down the MAGA movement, shutting down grassroots conservatives, shutting down former President Trump.

Not only are we winning, we are going to prevail, and every number and every poll shows that. There's nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up. There's not a prison built or a jail built that will ever shut me up. All victory to MAGA, we're going to win this, we're going to win it at the Supreme Court, and more importantly, we're going to win on November 5th in an amazing landslide with the Senate, the House, and also Donald J. Trump back as President of the United States.

There has been no winning for MAGA. Since Diminished Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 election, the MAGA cult has done nothing but lose in numerous special elections, ballot referenda, and a disastrous 2022 midterm performance.

Keep crying, Stevie. Maybe prison will be good for you! Maybe it will help you detox from all that alcohol you consume. And you won't be out in time to do a damn thing about the election. Such a shame, and timing of your own making.

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