Christian Nationalist: We Want Power To 'Crush Our Enemies'

Evangelical MAGA doesn't hide its agenda

Radical Christian nationalist and misogynistic pastor Joel Webbon said during his podcast that Trump needs to win so Christians can crush their enemies, reward their friends, and ban women wearing pant suits.

Evangelical MAGA doesn't hide its agenda. This Joel McHale look-a-like ( Sorry Joel) wants a male-dominated theocracy and will punish all those who stand in its way.

JOEL WEBBON: We need to win. We need to wield power righteously. The Christian mantra, as it comes to power, is not to forsake power, but to rule righteously. It's not to forsake rule, but to rule righteously.

And so in that, I said, I want to win. I want Christians to have power. And with that power, I want it to be wielded righteously.

What does that mean? It means crushing our enemies and rewarding our friends.

My prayer, in addition to that, is that God would give us stomachs for revival.

And you know what that prayer essentially, what that prayer means? At some level, what it means is that we would not have female leadership.

When they say "crush us, they want to imprison and strike out against all that don't subscribe to their fringe religious beliefs.

Later in his podcast, Webbon does not cover up his disdain for strong women.

WEBBON: Women are supposed to think, when a husband comes home and says, ‘Yeah, this woman lost her job at Home Depot,’ the correct natural response from your wife is, ‘Oh, that’s sad, I feel bad for her,'” Webbon said. “That’s a good instinct for her to have. It becomes a bad instinct, though, if she’s got her own podcast and she’s wearing a pantsuit and she’s got a blog and a million followers of other suburban moms, and all of them have a vote and all of them actually make more money than their husbands, and the court system is in their direction to where, if they ever divorce their husband, they get all the stuff and they get the kids.

Why the focus on divorce? How many "good Christian males" are cheating on their wives?

Focus on Trump's family, why doncha.

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