Fox News Doc Complains He Didn't 'Feel' Emotional After Biden's Remarks
Fox News "doctor" Marc Siegel claimed everyone cried when Nixon resigned. What a putz.
Scumbag Fox News Dr. Marc Siegel gave a weird and bizarre diagnosis of President Biden's health from his TV continuing efforts to smear Biden's health.
Siegel's main function on Fox News since 2015, has been to attack Democratic politicians over their body language and unknown medical conditions that he can only see while watching them on television.
At the same time making sure to praise diminished Donald's mental acuity.
If anyone watched Pres. Biden's remarks they know there was no issue of his mental capabilities, but we're talking about Fox News' Dr. Siegel, and he needs his paycheck.
And only Fox News personas can decide how Democratic politicians should feel and act.
(By the way, Biden is recovering from COVID. I just had it and it doesn't go away in five days even with Paxlovid.)
So you told Fox Digital late last night it's a very emotional time for him and he is not showing it.
What does that mean?
I thought he was reading wouldn't we?
I don't think I didn't sense the emotion he must be feeling.
You know, if I was in that position, I'd be feeling embarrassment, wouldn't you?
I say I'm running.
I can do it.
I'm up to it.
And then suddenly I'm not.
No details coming out, you know, handing passing the torch.
It wasn't a moment of great triumph.
It's a moment of defeat.
And it didn't feel like he was trying to do that.
I don't I don't know who wrote those words again.
The words were fine. He read them well. But I didn't sense what he was really feeling and what he was really telling the American people.
You remember when Nixon resigned? I mean, you couldn't even get through that without breaking into tears.
The nation was cheering when Nixon resigned in shame.
Maybe Nixon's family members cried.
President Biden was somber. Wouldn't you be? I wish some medical boards would investigate Siegel's ludicrous TV appearances.
Methinks Dr. Siegel needs his head examined if he cried over Nixon's resignation.