Fox News Evangelist Guest: Bidens Approved Olympics 'Satanic And Demonic' Scene

It just proves how ignorant these people are. There was no "Last Supper" depiction in the Paris Opening Ceremonies.

On Fox and Friends, Former NFL player and evangelist Jack Brewer attacked the opening ceremonies at the Paris Olympics, complaining the depiction of a Dionysian feast was instead a satanic ritual and mockery of the Last Supper that Jill and Joe Biden applauded.

The fauxrage from supposed right wing Republicans like Speaker Mike Johnson and psycho Marge Greene influenced the organizers to apologize, "Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” spokeswoman Anne Descamps told reporters. “If people have taken any offense we are, of course, really, really sorry.”

The thing is, there was really nothing to apologize for. As the director of the opening ceremonies explained:

Appearing on French news channel BFM-TV Sunday, Jolly confirmed “The Last Supper” was “not my inspiration.”

“There is Dionysus who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the God of celebration in Greek mythology,” Jolly said. “The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone.”

It was a Bacchanalia, not a Last Supper.

Co-host Sandra Smith took her time setting up the outrage.

SMITH: Well, you know, and so for the transgender community, they're making the criticism about them being transgender when the Christian community is saying that this was a mockery on their faith, a mockery of their religion, Jack, really bottom line.

The first lady, the president, calling the opening ceremony spectacular, and so many did think as they were watching it, did think that, right? And then this came across, and you think, gosh, what a distraction from what was a really remarkable opening ceremony, and from the athletes, Jack, as an athlete.

You know, we wanna support these people who have put so much hard work into their events. A real quick final thought on the Olympics, and, you know, hoping that these athletes can go on and have their best performance at the Games.

BREWER: Sarah, you know I'm a fellow track athlete, right? I won the Junior Olympics, and it's one of the most glorious times for me.

I love watching the Olympics, and to see this take, just distract everything, distract all these accomplishments of these men and women who have worked all their life, many of them working two and three jobs just to be able to compete.

And their families, yeah.

And their families, and then to have the president of the United States, the first lady of the United States, appeased to this satanic, demonic act is disgusting.

Shame on you, Joe Biden, and the Biden family.

All right, we're coming up right after.

Fox News is slowly becoming a Christian nationalist network, like the ones I routinely blast who proclaim themselves as prophets of the Lord.

Calling that tableau a satanic and demonic act is just beyond the pale for any cable network guest, and they did it because it celebrated the LGBTQ+ people who are marginalized by people like Brewer.

What is disgusting is guests like Brewer leveling every criticism of the Bidens in the context of devil worshiping.

Repent Mr. Brewer, repent.

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