Hey Media, Where Are The Interviews With Biden Voters In Diners?

The nonstop drumbeat to drive Joe Biden out of a race that's winnable is not just a media feeding frenzy -- it's an orchestrated campaign.

In all my years as a political observer and participant, I have never seen anything like I've seen from the Beltway insiders for the last three weeks, not even when Nixon was pressured to resign. I've seen media feeding frenzies, but this isn't that. This is something else again, driven by some kind of primal need by the media to drive a stake through the heart of one of the most successful presidencies of all time. Perhaps it has to do with their management or perhaps with their own hope for tax cuts. Whatever it is, it is far outside the boundaries of what "reporting" is and it's entirely possible it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And yet. No one is asking the voters. Polls aren't reaching them, not really. No reporters are sitting in diners asking Black women, or any woman for that matter, what SHE thinks of the effort to drive Biden out of the race. No one is asking any of US - the millions of voters who cast our vote for Joe Biden in the primary - what we think. Instead, it's all being done by rumor and innuendo, driven by media outlets like POLITICO, who are owned by German right-wing company Axel Springer. You think they might have an agenda of their own? POLITICO has been the one leaking the rumors, which then get picked up by the New York Times, which runs with them like they are gospel. Business Insider, another Axel Springer publication, also amplifies them.

Does it bother you that some of the main Beltway players are owned by a right-wing media conglomerate? It should.

We should ALL be asking serious questions. Of them. Of reporters. Of media personalities riding along with the wave of baloney. We can see Biden with our own eyes, hear what he says with our own ears, and we can make our own judgments. We saw the debate. We know it was bad, but not fatal. And we can cast our votes accordingly, IF they don't intervene and take our voices away.

We should be asking why there's so much unrelenting pressure ahead of the virtual roll call before August 7th to put Biden on the Ohio ballot.

We should be asking why they're so laser-focused on Biden that they're not questioning his opponent's clear lack of character and mental acuity.

President Joe Biden is on the brink of building up an inclusive middle class, one that celebrates diversity and economic prosperity for everyone. Do you think that makes some billionaires nervous enough to start hammering on BIDEN's age without giving a thought to the unstable genius running against him?

By the way, it is a testimony to his political savvy that he has stood firm against the onslaught for the last three weeks.

To most, Felon45 is an unstable puppet of the Putin regime. He's going to bow in acquiescence to whatever his billionaires want, particularly the tech bros, who want an unregulated internet and, more specifically, unregulated AI, so they can run rampant with it. Ideologues like Leonard Leo want a world where women have no voice, are mere vessels for bearing children, and are at the mercy of the men who control them. Not a joke, people, to quote Joe Biden. NOT A JOKE at all.

And here's what I don't understand. The only other candidate possibility at the top of the ticket is VP Kamala Harris*, and she is ALREADY on the ticket. There's no need for Joe Biden to step aside for her to be bloodied and battered by the hateful sexist rapist running against her. And if he can't do the job, she'll take over. It's already priced in, as the stock analysts like to say. So why the push to get rid of Joe? Kamala is on the campaign trail, as are many other surrogates.

So why push Biden out?

For some, it's the whole "I want a sexy pony candidate" that fits the Hollywood narrative. President Obama was that candidate and President for 8 years because he fit that mold and also was very good at politics and his job. That's actually really hard to come by. A once in a lifetime candidate. No one compares.

When the Hollywood boys say Biden's too old, and he's not fit to serve, what they're telling us is they've written the script and we're just extras.

What about the rest?

I have to believe it has something to do with what he's done over the last 3 1/2 years. Just yesterday, he canceled another $1.2 billion in student debt under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. He wants to make the child tax credit permanent, the device that lifted more than half of children out of poverty. He's working on plans to reform the U.S. Supreme Court, to enshrine voting rights for everyone and civil rights for everyone. He wants to preserve and expand Social Security and Medicare.

AND...He supports women's right to have an abortion.

In other words, he's the antithesis of what right-wingers want, and what they want more than anything is tax cuts. That goes for the tech bros, too. What is happening right now is an existential battle over the future. Will it be a libertarian hellscape where there are no rules other than those controlling women's choices and no revenue to support even the basic welfare needs of this nation? Or will it be progress towards a better nation?

These are the questions, but no one in the Beltway media is answering them because they're too busy shoving Biden out of the race, which should tell you all you need to know. This handful of pundits and reporters, and yes, some in Congress, think they know better than voters what we want.

So I ask again: Where are the interviews in diners with Biden voters? We heard over and over again from the 35% who supported Trump, but when it comes to our side, crickets.

*Some people harbor fantasies of some sort of open convention. I dare anyone to drop VP Harris from the top of the ticket if they succeed in pushing out Biden. That will be such a gift to Republicans. When Black women stay home and don't vote, white fascists win.

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