JD Vance: QAnon Shaman J6er Seems ‘A Fun Guy To Have A Beer With’

Yale Law School grad Vance says he doesn’t know if “fun guy” QAnon Shaman Chansley broke the law on J6 but insists he didn’t deserve his prison sentence.

I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that J.D. Vance, the running mate of the convicted felon and adjudged sexual predator formerly thought of as “America’s Hitler,” is now pretending he wants to pal around with insurrectionist felon Jacob Chansley.

As Raw Story noted, a newly resurfaced video of Vance shows him saying about Chansley, “This guy who was sentenced to four years in prison for literally walking around the Capitol. It was a crazy guy with, like the bullhorns – you know who I’m talking about? He looked like he’d be a fun guy to have a beer with, right?”

There’s no way tech-bro lapdog Vance would ever consider having a beer or having anything else to do with “shamanic consultant” and libertarian candidate Chansley unless he thought it would make for a useful photo op.

Vance couldn’t even be bothered to learn anything about Chansley before declaring him a victim. “Look, this guy may have broken the law, I don’t know,” Yale Law School grad Vance said. “But he sure as heck should not be spending four years in prison. Nothing they showed on video would make me think this guy should be going to prison for four years.”

Actually, Chansley was sentenced to 41 months, not four years in prison. And he was released about 14 months early due to good behavior.

Also, Chansley was not just “walking around the Capitol,” as the guy Vance really likes to pal around with, Tucker Carlson, tried to portray via edited video clips.

More from Raw Story:

“These videos are decidedly not exculpatory,” said federal judge Royce C. Lamberth. “Such footage, conveniently omitted by the [Fox News] program, shows nearly all of Mr. Chansley’s actions that day, including: carrying a six-foot-long pole armed with a spearhead, unlawfully entering the Capitol through a broken door, disobeying orders from law enforcement on more than a half-dozen occasions, screaming obscenities, entering the Senate chamber, climbing onto the Senate dais, sitting in the Vice President’s chair, and leaving a threatening message for the Vice President.”

“That law enforcement officers outnumbered by the quantity of rioters did not physically engage Mr. Chansley or impede his progress is irrelevant," the judge added.

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