Kevin McCarthy Takes Down Matt Gaetz Over Teenage Girls

RNC in disarray! Seeing these two idiots castrating each other is fine with me

Kevin McCarthy, the former Speaker of the House, who was humiliated when he was unceremoniously dispatched from his position which precipitated his retiring, took a hatchet in Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz.

CNN's Manu Raju, played a clip of Gaetz harassing him, and asked McCarthy to respond.

(You'd get booed off the stage, you would get booed off the stage," Gaetz said off cameras).

Raju: He said you'd get boot off the stage. What's your response to him?

McCarthy: You know, he looks very unhinged. I mean, a lot of people have concerns about him. And I'm not sure if he's on something, but I do hope he gets the help that he needs.

But more importantly, I hope the young women get the justice they deserve when it comes to him.

Raju: I mean, you're referring to the House Ethics Committee investigation that is ongoing.

McCarthy: Yeah, with his partner in jail because they paid underage women for sex and drugs. Yeah, that's what I'm referring to.

Raju: So he has denied all of that. I'm wondering, doesn't he deserve the presumption of innocence here?

McCarthy: Well, people are in jail. The women have confirmed it.

He came to me. If I still wanted to be Speaker, I could have done something illegal and stopped the Ethics Committee investigation that started four years before.

Raju: He told you to stop the other cases.

McCarthy: Yeah, that's what the whole motion to vacate was about. He wanted me to engage and thought somehow I started this investigation. It started long before I was ever speaker.

And as you know as Congress, I don't get involved in ethics. It's an equal number.
They could investigate me. It has to be its own arm and branch. And so he wanted to leverage me to try to do that. And if I didn't, he wanted to do a motion to vacate.

Raju: And he's denied that, of course, that he urged you to stop the investigation.

No, I had other members come to me. He came to me. I had other people who were on TV that he talked to.

Raju: So no, there's no denying it.

McCarthy certifies that Gaetz did engage in inappropriate relations with underage girls and that the only reason he was ousted was because McCarthy refused to stop the investigation into his activities.

They deserve each other.

The GOP is full of creeps, lowlifes, sexual predators and criminals.

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