JD Vance: Trump's QAnon Misogyny Is 'Fun' And 'Jokes'

JD Vance fails to defend Trump's grossness.

JD Vance told CNN's John Berman that when Trump sends out sexually explicit insults toward Kamala Harris, he's clowning around.

This is what the Trump campaign came up with to defend Dump's misogynistic and QAnon attacks? Fun and jokes?

Trump is a candidate who would rather be hateful and sexist as opposed to being stodgy.


BERMAN: You were talking about Donald Trump's social media.

Would you describe his posts over the last 48 hours as lifting people up, quoting, reposting QAnon statements, reposting these misogynistic memes about Vice President Harris and Hillary Clinton? That's the kind of open discussion that you think is lifting people up?

VANCE: Oh, John, I think if you look at Donald Trump's full campaign appearances and, yes, his social media appearances, what you see is two things.

A guy with an agenda to lower prices and bring back American prosperity and a political candidate who isn't stodgy, who likes to have some fun and likes to tell some jokes.

I'd much rather have a candidate who's willing to go off script, who's willing to give every interview and is willing to tell some jokes.

I do think that's how you lift people up. A politics of boring scolds, telling people they can't laugh, that is not lifting Americans up.

That's how to tear us down.

BERMAN: All right, fun and jokes.

JD must be be the only one laughing at blow job jabs attacking political rivals? What if Walz said Melania gave free blow jobs to any rich guy to land a husband? Would that be funny to JD?

That's not fun and games.

Trump is not trying to be funny. He's trying to gender-shame his political rival.

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