Kayleigh Claims ABC's Jonathan Karl Is A Harris Surrogate

Disputing a lie told by Sen. Tom Cotton is now being "biased against Trump" according to MAGA.

Fox News host and former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had the temerity to claim ABC's Jonathan Karl was acting as a surrogate for the Harris campaign because he offered minor push back while conducting an interview with Sen. Tom Cotton.

The comedy writes itself.

If anyone is a surrogate for a presidential campaign, it's Kayleigh McEnany for Trump. While complaining Kamala Harris hasn't done any interviews yet, the Trump propaganda team piled on ABC News.

MCENANY: Emily, you know, if I'm President Trump and I'm watching this, I'm looking at someone trying to script their way to the presidency to your point.

And then I turn on ABC, who I'm expecting to be fair to me.

And I see John Karl acting as a surrogate. He is a surrogate for the Kamala Harris campaign, the way he was so hostile to Tom Cotton.

I'm supposed to walk in and think you're going to be fair to me. I mean, really, what am I missing?

Are we missing something? Kayleigh McEnany worked for Trump and got her cushy Fox News job because of it. Who is the surrogate?

Jonathan Karl offered a minor rebuke of Sen. Cotton when he lied and said Trump didn't denigrate Congressional Medal of Honor winners. But MAGA is so scared of a Trump debate with Harris they are now considering any host who doesn't sign on to MAGA lies is biased.

I always figured Trump would duck out of the ABC debate because he can't control the moderators or any fact-checking thereof. He has the entire MAGA GOP media complex to defend his cowardice.

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