Anonymous Takes A Side Against Trump's Christian Nationalist Enablers

Anonymous explains why they're taking a side against Trump this election, and why everyone needs go get out and vote.

Anonymous explains why they're taking a side against Trump this election, and why everyone needs go get out and vote.

The group has put together a truly disgusting mashup from a really nasty group of Trump enablers, starting with white nationalist Vincent James, who's YouTube channel The Red Elephants was banned back in 2020, calling his group the Christian Taliban, and saying they won't stop until the Handmaid's Tale is a reality.

Next was John Doyle, a far-right social media personality associated with white nationalist streamer Nick Fuentes, going on about how "we need a total dictator Trump" and how there's "no argument against it." Doyle was also featured later saying "women and feminine men" shouldn't be allowed to vote.

The video also features the likes of anti-LGTBQ and anti-vaxx preacher Shane Vaughn calling Trump a messiah, white nationalist Dalton Clodfelter's sexist rant, along with numerous rants by white nationalist Nick Fuentes, who is regularly featured at our site.

Also featured, wingnut Michael Voris explaining how they're ready to come after birth control and gay marriage next, and a whole host of MAGA preachers such as Steven Anderson, who wants ministers who perform gay marriages stoned, crazy pastor Mark Burns, and Jason Graber, who also doesn't want women voting, along with Tyler Russell, a Canadian nationalist leader, saying America is a "white and Christian nation."

The mashup also featured lots of violent rhetoric from the right, such as MAGA “life coach” and ​right-wing broadcaster Brendan Dilley wanting to take up arms and start murdering George Floyd protesters, Eric Greitens' violent hunting RINOs ad, and Tyler Russell talking about imprisoning their political opposition in America.

Someone did a lot of work putting this together, and it needs to be shared widely as a reminder of why Trump should never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again, and why this movement supporting him needs to be squashed. They're violent, misogynist Nazis who want to destroy what's left of our democracy, and take the rest of us back to the dark ages, and we cannot allow that to happen.

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