Claudia Conway Blasts Trump Over His Abortion Lies

Kellyanne's daughter has a better handle on issues than her mom.

Claudia Conway, the daughter of former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and conservative lawyer George Conway, had harsh words for Trump and his mischaracterization and lies about abortions.

Kellyanne Conway has a program on Fox Nation and had her daughter on, who has millions of followers on social media for a 30-minute interview.

Her mom asked her to define her pro-choice positions.

CLAUDIA: I think that women, all women, and people with uteruses deserve full access to reproductive health care, whether that be abortion services, birth control, sexual education.

When we talk about fertilization and that reproductive health care, that's what I mean when I say I am pro-choice. I am pro the woman's right to choose.

A 13-year-old girl in Georgia who is a victim of incest should not have to carry a child to term just because she can't get an abortion in her state. And the overturning of Roe v. Wade really escalated all of this.

And I don't think people realize how damaging it is until you're in these deep-red states and you have to travel 900-plus miles to get reproductive health care.

KELLYANNE: And then, do you have any limits on being pro-choice? In other words, what do you think is a reasonable restriction or limit on abortion on demand?

CLAUDIA: I think none of the restrictions that we have in this country are reasonable because a child is viable from 24 to 26 weeks. That's kind of the standard in medicine.

KELLYANNE: So that would be your cutoff point viability?

CLAUDIA: I'm not going to tell, I'm not here to create restrictions or tell women that they cannot have an abortion afterwards.

But 93% of all abortions happen in the first trimester.

And the rest of them, most of them happen in the second trimester and a very, very small amount happen in the third trimester.

And it's about 90-some percent of those abortions happen for the life of the mother or because of a miscarriage or if the fetus will not be viable.

So 93% of abortions are happening in the first trimester.

And when we have our former president of the United States saying on national TV, on the biggest stage in the world, saying that doctors are executing babies after they're born or in the ninth month, it's not happening.

This is not happening. It's a very simple thing.

Her father must be very proud.

The 19 year-old easily destroyed the anti-abortion lies as Claudia discussed the pro-choice mindset in a way that Demented Donald could understand if he wanted to.

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