Fox Biz Host Stops Interview After Guest Spouts Disgusting Lie

This should happen to more MAGA creeps.

Former FBI special agent Jonathan Gilliam was stopped in his tracks by host Stuart Varney and his interview was ended when he tried to spread the vicious conspiracy theory that Democrats want to kill Donald Trump.

Fox News and Business is the place where MAGA conspiracy theories live and thrive, but this one was too much even for the Fox Business host.

Gilliam's diatribe begun when Varney asked Gilliam if Trump should campaign the way he has been so far and that's when the interview began to go off the rails.

Gilliam immediately blamed the Secret Service and then he pitched Trump to hire his company for personal protection.

VARNEY: Should Trump change the way he campaigns?

GILLIAM: Well, so far, the way he campaigns has not been the problem, Stuart.

It's been the Secret Service. It's been how they actually do their work.

So I have to sit back and ask, is this a nefarious thing that's going on within the side of the Secret Service that they're just leaving these areas open?

Because if that's the case, then I think Trump needs to take a serious step back and hire individuals like myself and other people that I can bring in to simply do perimeter checks, and then he can campaign as normal.

Gilliam had the temerity to infer the Secret Service wants Trump to be assassinated so he could pitch his services to Trump.

Then this jerk turned to a dark side I haven't heard said before on a cable news program.

GILLIAM: But right now, I'd be sweating bullets every time I went out there, because I'm going to say this on air. I said it earlier on the radio.

The Democrat Party, regardless of the rhetoric that they want, they want Trump dead.

VARNEY: Hold on a second...I'm sorry, Jonathan. I don't think you can say that legitimately --

GILLIAM:-- I think we can say it legitimately, but I can think we can say that legitimately based on the verbiage that they use. And then they cover up. To say that they want him eliminated,


GILLIAM: To say that they want him gone. Those are words that push people forward. And then you have directors of agencies like this that come on and they do not do the job, the simple job of perimeter security over and over and over again.

VARNEY: Okay, look. Jonathan, I'm sorry. I'm going to end it right there. I'm not going to take any conspiracy theories on this show.

GILLIAM: That's not a conspiracy theory.

VARNEY: Yes, it is. It is. And I'm not having it.

GILLIAM: Listen, I'm an investigator.

VARNEY: Thank you very much for joining us.

We appreciate it, Jonathan.

Thank you very much.

Gilliam is no journalist that's for sure. He's a creep like so many Trump supporters looking for a handout.
Saying it is a fact that the Democratic Party wants Trump dead is beyond the pale, but this is now a talking point and article of faith on the right.

By the way, if the Secret Service wanted any sitting or potential president dead, it would be done in a heartbeat.
Gilliam should not be put on the air again by any media -- print, online, radio or broadcast. Period.

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