Greg Gutfeld Has A Sad Over Kamala Harris' Great Performance

What an unfunny piss pot of a person.

Fox News' Greg Gutfeld tried to rescue Trump from his terrible defeat at the debate by whining like a spoiled brat and claiming it was ABC's David Muir and Lindsay Davis who did the heavy lifting to help Kamala Harris win.

Trump's surrogates and media minions all coalesced around ABC to try and shift the narrative away from Trump, the cat and dog man cometh.

GUTFELD: Congratulating Kamala for the debate is stolen valor.

It was Harris who gutted Trump like a stuck pig and not the moderators.

GUTFELD: You should be congratulating David Muir and Lindsay Davis, who did the heavy lifting.

Yeah, three fact checks on Trump's insane and immoral lies certainly accounts for Harris' dominance.

GUTFELD: And so calling that a debate is disinformation.

The only misinformation going on here was Gutfeld's lips moving.

GUTFELD: That's like me going into a bar with Tyrus and inciting a brawl and then later taking credit for all the broken jaws.

Kamala Harris landed upper cuts, crippling liver punches, and straight right hands to Trump's noggin that wiped him out. Nobody else.

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