Greg Kelly: Mark Robinson's 'Black Nazi' Comment Was Like Seinfeld's Soup Nazi Joke

Is this the most ridiculous defense yet?

Newsmax host Greg Kelly defended North Carolina Christian nationalist gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson by claiming his 'Black Nazi' comment was a funny character, just like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.

Kelly claimed Republicans are outraged by the CNN story but never read it (no proof) which is ridiculous since most of Robinson's campaign staff quit over the story.

"I think he's he just might be my favorite candidate running for governor right now," Kelly said. "This guy is getting such a raw deal from the media, Democrats and yeah, Republicans too. They haven't even bothered to read the fake news story."

Admitting that Robinson is his favorite candidate explains how demented Kelly is.

Kelly then launched into his defense of the most extreme Christian nationalist Republican candidate running for office.
(h/t MediaMatters)

KELLY: Now, the big disturbing headline in this — well, disturbing — is the whole thing about the Black Nazi, a comment he may or may not have made when he was a forklift driver in 2010, when he was hanging around his basement. Well, it's a figure of speech, alright? I don't think he literally meant he was a Nazi. The Soup Nazi, right? Were they talking about Nazi guards at Auschwitz or anything like that? No, they were talking about a funny character in Seinfeld.

Robinson has been a very disturbed person for a long time, and we've covered him thoroughly.

Conover did as well:

I don't give those staffers any kudos, though. They did not hit the exit door when he told a church full of attendees, "Folks need killing." Or when his wife ripped off the Girl Scouts, or when he revealed that he and his wife had an abortion procedure years ago, but the N.C. Republican wants a flat-out ban on abortion for everyone else.

Robinson's long list of appalling remarks should have been a disqualifier a long time ago, but Republicans didn't care, and his staff didn't care. I guess being a 'Black Nazi' was too much for them. Maybe they prefer white or orange ones, I don't know.

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