JD Vance Daycare Solution: Hand It Over To Elderly Relatives

Trump's VP nominee shows how unqualified he is to serve in the Oval Office.

In an interview with the Christian nationalist Charlie Kirk, JD Vance highlighted why the Trump campaign is useless for the working class when he offered an ignorant snd unattainable solution to high daycare costs for working families

KIRK: What do we do about lowering the cost of daycare? It's very hard for working families to get by. How will we lower the cost of daycare?

VANCE: It's such an important question, Charlie, and I think one of the things that we can do is make it easier for family models to choose, or for families to choose whatever model they want, right?

So one of the ways that you might be able to relieve a little bit of pressure on people who are paying so much for daycare is make it so that, you know, maybe like grandma or grandpa wants to help out a little bit more, or maybe there's an aunt or uncle that wants to help out a little bit more.

If that happens, you relieve some of the pressure on all the resources that we're spending in daycare.

Beg for alms (or free daycare) from seniors is JD's solution. Vance is so clueless about the average American family that he assumes elderly family members are as rich as his sugar daddy, Peter Thiel. Many seniors have barely enough for their living conditions. And what if grandma is far away or STILL WORKING full-time herself?

Now comes more ridiculous sh*t that won't help anybody, ever.

VANCE: Now, you talk about just daycare.

Let's say you don't have somebody who can provide that extra set of hands. What we've got to do is actually empower people to get trained in the skills that they need for the 21st century. We've got a lot of people who love kids, who would love to take care of kids, but they can't, either because they don't have access to the education that they need, or maybe more importantly, because the state government says you're not allowed to take care of children unless you have some ridiculous certification that has nothing to do, nothing to do with taking care of kids.

So empower people to get the skills they need.

Don't force every early childcare specialist to go and get a six-year college degree, where they've got a whole lot of debt, and Americans are much poorer because they're paying out the wazoo for daycare.

Empower working families, empower people who want to do these things for a living, and that's what we got to do.

How would changing the requirements to become a certified childcare specialist help working-class families now? Would Vance let a former McDonald's burger flipper who took a six-week course in child care from Trump U. watch for his kids?

By the way, gutting regulations is always a catchall solution for the MAGA GOP.

Childcare is expensive because it's a labor-intensive and critically important line of work. You can't outsource it. And you can't make taking care of children under three "more efficient."

Vance and his entire political party fail working families at every turn.

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