Peter Navarro Calls Women 'Scum' After Being Heckled At Airport

The only scum we see is a treasonous Peter Navarro.

Disgraced Trump former trade advisor and jailbird Peter Navarro verbally attacked strong opinionated women on-air because he was told to go back to prison when he was exiting a plane.

These snowflake MAGAts are so sensitive.

He can't take a little ribbing so get the f**k out of the kitchen, coward.

Navarro made a statement which I agree with 100%

"The other thing I want to say about this is that the depths to which our society now in the age of Trump have fallen is unprecedented in our history," Navarro said.

I concur. Trump is the most craven unethical narcissistic and vile person to ever hold public office. The MAGAts assume his persona so yes, it is an unprecedented time in our history.

Navarro then set the stage for his tale of woe flying on Southwest Airlines.

Nice people all around, whatever, there's a couple few, few peoples down from us. They look like every other couple that you'd see in America, right?

Just, you know, she's middle age, middle class, little chubby. She's a little curly haired, smile on their face, whatever.

OK, we get on the plane, easy flight, get down. So. As she's getting off the plane in front of us. We're blocked from getting out because there's people ahead of us. And so so when she thinks that there's enough people between us that she can somehow get away out the door.

She screams at me, go back to prison.

It's like, huh?

What's my point?

If a middle age, middle class housewife thinks that she has the right or the license to speak that way to other people in public. And wants to take my freedom away from me. Anybody in this country now thinks they can say anything the hell they want to anybody anywhere. I don't know if the social media has an unchained inner beast and people can't tell the friggin difference. Between being anonymous on Twitter, a.k.a X, or being in an airport and screaming shit at people. But at the root of that kind of mentality, that kind of hatred.

Navarro certainly has a big problem with middle-age housewives. I wonder why he hates them so? But how is your freedom taken away because someone heckles you? You are a public servant. You just loveed yourself when you were a face of trade and China for the Trump administration. you were all over the airwaves. You conspired to overthrow a free and fair election then refused to give testimony. You then went on TV and cried and begged for money. Who do you think you are that that you're free from criticism?

Navarro continued his pathetic rant somehow segueing into the other mean ladies he hates.

Are the guns that have been pointed at Donald John Trump and the indictments in the prosecutions. And these juries in Manhattan who are scumbag Democrats who don't look at the law, who don't look at the evidence and just out of hate issue guilty verdicts.

You're sick of it. I'm sick of it. But let's not lose sight of the friggin hypocrisy of these people.

OK, they hate us. And that hatred translates to violence. So Kamala Harris, do not apologize or say there's no place for any violence when you are the perpetrator. When Merrick Garland's a perpetrator, when Jack Smith's the perpetrator, when Fonny Willis is the perpetrator.

When one Marshawn is the perpetrator, these people are scum. You are scum. You are violent scum. It's time to put that to rest.

You don't have the right to put people like me and Steve and Donald Trump in prison for partisan reasons.

You don't have the right to come up to people like me in public and talk smack, particularly if you're a middle aged chubby housewife with a smile on your face.

These ladies are not only scum, they are violent scum to Navarro. Telling you to go back to prison is a new form of violence. Any US voter has every right to come up to a former public official and talk smack. you aren't from a royal family or from the palace. It's called the First Amendment, something so-called conservatives claim to hold dear. Unless someone else exercises their rights.

You were a public servant, asshole.

Steve Bannon was federally pardoned from allegedly stealing millions of dollars from Trump voters with his Build the Wall scam. Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts along with a civil judgment against him the sexual assault

I bet you walked away quickly from the woman who told you to go to prison and you waited to get to the safety of your little studio to bitch and moan and play the victim.

You try to overthrow the free and fair 2020 election criminally, illegally, and immorally keep traitor Trump back in office.

You should thank your lucky stars that's all that woman said.

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