GOP Senator Tells American Arab To 'Hide Your Head In A Bag'

Sen. Kennedy should be charged with a hate crime for doing this in a hate crime hearing.

During a Senate Hearing on the rise of hate crimes, Senator John Kennedy ended his own hate-filled display by telling the Executive Director of the AAI, a Muslim woman to "hide your head in a bag."

I've seen some vitriolic questions before in congressional hearings, but I have never seen a Senator stoop so low and hateful to a woman who was calm and thoughtful and tried to be cooperative.

Talk about hate crimes, Kennedy just committed one on Maya Berry.

Laura Loomer would have given him a standing ovation and maybe something more after his disturbing performance.

Throughout the serious topic, Republicans were petulant microbes only interested in denouncing college students.

Sen. Kennedy was by far the worst offender. Using his Yosemite Sam accent, right off the bat asked Berry if she supported Hamas.

"Senator, oddly enough, I'm going to say thank you for that question because it demonstrates the purpose of our hearing today in a very abstractive way," Berry replied.

Kennedy would hear none of her calm and thoughtful answers and just spewed more hate.

KENNEDY: Let's start first with a yes or no.

BERRY: Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support, but you asking the executive director of the Arab American Institute that question very much puts the focus on the issue of hate in our country.

KENNEDY: Well, I got your answer and I appreciate it. You support Hezbollah too, don't you?

BERRY: Again, I find this line of questioning extraordinarily disappointing, Senator. You have Arab American constituents that you represent in your great state.
Yes, ma'am, I understand that, but my time's limited and I apologize, but is that a yes or a no?

KENNEDY: A yes or no question to do I support Hezbollah?

BERRY: The answer is I don't support violence, whether it's Hezbollah, Hamas, or any other entity that invokes it.

KENNEDY: You can't bring yourself to say no, can you?

BERRY: No, I can say no, I can say yes.

KENNEDY: But you haven't. You just didn't make yourself do it.

BERRY: What I can say is your line of questioning, Senator-

Do you support or oppose Iran and their hatred of Jews?

BERRY: Again, I'm going to emphasize Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, none of them is going to- You can't bring yourself to say no, can you?

Sir, I don't support-

It's real simple.

Excuse me, I'm going to-

Ian, no, no, no.

BERRY: As a Muslim woman, sir, I'm going to tell you I do not support Iran, but what I will tell you is that this conversation- I'm running out of time.

Sen. Kennedy's prime objective was to paint Maya Berry as an anti-Semitic, terrorist loving, Iranian supporting, down with America shouting, unhinged suicide bomber.

After more racist garbage, Kennedy ended his hate questioning with this doozy.

KENNEDY:Let me ask you one more time. You support Hamas, don't you You support UNRWA and Hamas, don't you?

BERRY: Sir, I think it's exceptionally disappointing that you're looking at an Arab American witness before you and saying you support Hamas.

KENNEDY:You know what's disappointing to me?

BERRY: I do not support Hamas.

KENNEDY: You can't bring yourself to say-

BERRY: I do not support Hamas or any-

KENNEDY: You don't support UNRWA. You don't support Hamas. You don't support-

BERRY: I was very clear in my support for UNRWA. I oppose-

KENNEDY: You don't support UNRWA.

You should hide your head in a bag.

Holy sh*t.

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