Sarah Huckabee Sanders Considers Women's Health A 'Single Issue'

A vast majority of women consider their health more important than a single issue.

On Fox News, Sarah Huckabee Sanders castigated the left instead of Trump's behavior towards women to explain why women overwhelmingly support Kamala Harris.

Host John Roberts read the latest polling numbers which show VP Harris way out in front of Trump when it comes to the support of women.

"NBC poll shows a huge gender gap with Kamala Harris 21 points ahead, 58 to 37, and if you take a look at 2016, the gender gap was narrower, Clinton, 54 to 39," Roberts said. "Why is he so challenged with women voters, who make up the majority of the electorate? And a lot of people say this election will turn on women."

Maybe stop being so rapey with the ladies for a start?

In response Sanders claimed one single instance of Trump pretending he's empathic will close the gender gap. HAHAHAHA.

"But I also think one of the big things that drives me crazy about the left is they try to single women down to one issue," Sanders whined. "When at the end of the day, we care about whether or not we have a strong and good economy, whether or not our neighborhoods and our streets are safe, whether or not there’s chaos around the world."

Health care is not a single issue like composting, trade agreements, or anything else in politics. Women understand this issue far more than men because of their physiology. If I didn't have control over my body as a man, I would say that would be the paramount issue before me in any general election.

And if it was just the left that is defining the lady vote, than why doesn't the polling have Harris up by only 5 points instead of 21?

Overturning Roe v Wade has far greater ramifications for women than access to abortion.

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