Anderson Cooper Calls 'Bullshit' On Trumpist Liar

That cuts through the muck!

CNN host Anderson Cooper told former California Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado, a Trump supporter, he's full of shit for moronically claiming Trump speaks like a fascist because he's from New York.

CNN is hosting a few Trump supporters who are trying to become the next Jeffrey Lord, a man who spewed racism and unhinged defenses of Donald Trump in 2016.

MALDONADO: And you know who he was, you know who he is. That's who he is. Trump is not gonna change ever.

BERNSTEIN: Is he a fascist?

MALDONADO: I mean, no, he's not a fascist, Carl. He's not.

BERNSTEIN: Does he say fascistic things?

MALDONADO: I mean, look.

BERNSTEIN: Does he say fascistic things?

MALDONADO: He's a New Yorker, he's a fighter, he's a leader.

BERNSTEIN: New Yorkers who fight don't usually invoke fascism. Does he say fascistic things day after day?

MALDONADO: I don't see, Carl, I don't see that.

COOPER: But also, Abel, by the way, you're from California. The Central Park, the kids in the Central Park Five, they were actually New Yorkers.

So the idea that Donald Trump's a New Yorker and this is what New Yorkers say is just bullshit.

MALDONADO: I'm from California, and I mean, we look at New York as, you know, they're fighters, they're strong, they tell it like it is, they'll say it out loud, they're very-

COOPER: But that's a comic book. I mean, again, we're just like, there's eight million people in the city, and so the idea, anyway.

Being a New Yorker myself, I find beyond ridiculous Maldonado's claims that New Yorkers speak like fascists. It might be one of the most laughable defenses of Trump I've heard so far.

It was nice to hear Cooper not hold back and let Maldonado have it.

Trump speaks and acts like a Fascist because he is one.

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