Harris Quotes MiIley: 'No One Has Been As Dangerous As Donald Trump'

I can't remember when a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs disparaged his former president quite like this.

During a rally in Greenville North Carolina, Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated Gen. Milley's scathing remarks about Trump's tenure as president.

Being interviewed for Bob Woodward's new book, Gen. Milley is quoted as saying, "[Trump] is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country. “A fascist to the core.”

HARRIS: Or just listen most recently to what we heard General Milley said.

General Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Donald Trump, it was just reported he said, quote, no one has ever been as dangerous to this country in referring to Donald Trump.

Think about that.

Think about that.

We can already see the harm he's up to as a candidate, most recently spreading disinformation in the wake of natural disasters, blocking real solutions that would stop drug cartels from crossing the border when he tried to kill and did that border security deal.

As you see, Donald Trump cares more about scaring people, creating fear, running on a problem instead of what real leaders do, which is to participate in fixing problems.

What makes Harris' statements so powerful is that she uses Trump's former cabinet members and staffers as a testament to his disloyalty, lies, and narcissistic actions, while Trump makes up juvenile nicknames to disparage those who criticize him.

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