Lara Trump Calls For A 'Blanket Federal Election Process'

Fascism is knocking at the door.

Miss Know-nothing of the RNC, Lara Trump and Fox News host Sean Hannity want to take away every state's rights to control their own elections and federalize them, implementing voter ID, proof of citizenship, signature verification, chain of custody control, purging voter rolls, and using paper ballots while having partisan poll watchers inspect everything.

The nuts are clucking.

HANNITY: Okay, what about, is it possible, you know, proof of citizenship, voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls, paper ballots, and partisan observers in every precinct in the country watching the voting all day, the vote counting all night, and we have an answer by the end of the night.

Can we not implement that nationally? Can that be done?

There are 330 million people in this country. How can we possibly count every vote on paper ballots in one day? Why do I bother commenting on this dibble. Lara hopes it's possible. "You should be an American citizen to vote in American elections," she said. "That's the law, by the way."

That's what is happening in this country. Who else is voting, idgit.

LARA TRUMP: You should have some form of voter ID.

It's amazing to me, Sean, that you have states like California where they say, please don't take out an ID.

We don't want to see it. I mean, how outrageous is that?

I've said for a long time, and I think you've said the same thing, too. We don't have a perfect system right now.

We had to get through this system, and we had to play the hand that we were dealt. You have election season now instead of election day, and a lot of nuance around the country that makes it very confusing and really concerning for a lot of people.

Yes, maybe now is the time.

Once Donald Trump is inaugurated, we go forward, and maybe we have something that passes so that we can have a blanket federal election process that every state abides by, and we feel really good about it all across the country.

Fascism at its finest. Congress does not control the states. There is a US Constitution after all.

Lara continued with her idiocy.

"Every American deserves to know that in the United States, when you cast a vote, your vote matters, and your vote counts," she say.

WTF is she talking about? Show us the voter fraud. Show us how my vote didn't matter?

The MAGA GOP will push all their chops in to implement some of these ideas into law. The fewer people who vote the better for them.

Cluck the fuck up.

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