Matt Gaetz For Attorney General - You Read This Right


Trump continues to fill his cabinet with unqualified asshole loyalists. Today he announced that he was nominating Rep. Matt Gaetz to be his new Attorney General.

The entire political infrastructure is in shock over this one. Being under investigation for sexual activities seems to be one of Trump's prerequisites to be in his cabinet.

Politico, "One senior Republican Hill official said the Gaetz decision was an “absolute gut punch.”

Axios reported:

We wanted him out of the House ... this isn't what we were thinking," quipped one House Republican.

  • Gaetz has a better shot at having dinner with Queen Elizabeth II than being confirmed by the senate," said Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio), referring to the British monarch who died in 2022.
  • Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.), noting that Gaetz is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, said he would be "a compromised AG" and that "there are better choices."

Trump's announcement was met with audible gasps by House Republicans during a conference meeting on Wednesday afternoon, multiple sources in the room told Axios.

  • One House Republican in the meeting described the conference's response as "stunned and disgusted."
  • "My reaction ... was surprised," Ethics Committee Chair Michael Guest (R-Miss.) told reporters shortly after the announcement.

Steve Hilton was on Fox News in his first reaction was to say "Wow."

He quickly then celebrated the choice and then claimed it was a very strong appointment.

You can bet Fox News and every other right wing media outlet will celebrate Gaetz's appointment because they know he will never have Trump's behavior questioned, ever.

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