Mike Lindell Claims Massive Voter Discrepancies In 2024 Proves Big Steal
The freaks are getting freakier
Not to give up beating his dead horse, My Pillow Mike Lindell is claiming that there was massive voter fraud for the 2024 election and he's' going to get to the bottom of it.
This asshole never has checked on it. He hired fools and frauds to lie to the MAGAts.
LINDELL: Are you getting on, you got Cernovich, you got our staffs working, you got Liz Harrington, are you gonna get on this massive vote ballot discrepancy in the 2024 that shows that they'll probably come up, I don't know, eight to 10 million votes short than they were in 2020, that shows that the smoking gun for the big steal?
Hey, we're letting up on 2020, that's where it's all at everybody.
And when I said we got to fix 2020 first way back then, it doesn't mean, just because this election came first, it's taken a long time, but we will never stop till we get to the bottom of it.
It's impossible, absolutely impossible.
When things are mathematically impossible, you have to check in and you can't just put it aside and say, well, we'll let that go.
You know, uh, we are, we're all over that. doubt major.
My Pillow must be doing decent business even if he's screwing his vendors and workers, a la Trump. I doubt he would continue with his farce if he wasn't being paid off somehow.
The BIG STEAL is a hill Lindell will die on. Even if his guy wins.