Trump's Hysteria: They Are Stealing Pennsylvania

Trump repeated the lie that 2600 illegal votes had been cast in PA.

Sunday in Lilitz, Pennsylvania, Trump went from one tangent to another, conspiracy after conspiracy about voting throughout the country. He's been setting up another BIG LIE and BIG STEAL to send his supporters into another violent frenzy, while making sure his grift is alive and well if he loses.

It appears his internal poll numbers are making him irrational.

In the beginning of the clip he attacks Arizona for having a lengthy ballot. This idiot believes there is only one election taking place. The Presidency. That's probably how he votes.

TRUMP: You should have a damn ballot and you hand it in. Do you know that in Arizona, where I'm winning by a lot, but it takes four hours to fill out the ballot.

They've got page after page of people are complaining that I have time. It takes four hours to fill it out.

Why is that? Why is that?

I can tell you why.

Sadly, Trump never told his supporters why, but I can.

There are many state and local people up for different posts in each state as well as props and ballot measures to vote on so it does take some time to fill out a ballot. And it take a little work to do so. Not four hours of course.

Then instead of telling his rally-goers, why, he veered into PA.

TRUMP: But so many places, Pennsylvania, I love Pennsylvania.

I went to school here. I think the people are incredible.

But they found, as I understand it, I mean, I don't know what's happened in the last day or so, but they, in Lancaster, they found 2,600 ballots all done and by the same hand.

In other words, the same exact penmanship, the same hand, the same everything. It was all done by the same pen, the exact same pen.

And then they go and they say, well, this is a conspiracy theorist.

It's a terrible thing that's happened to our country. And the whole world watches it.

Axios already debunked this lie: "In fact, the opposite was true, Lancaster officials and law enforcement said: It was election workers who identified about 2,500 suspicious voting applications — not ballots — and the county was investigating them."

Trump is lying. That's it.

But his constant bellyaching about windmills will not change anyone's mind.

If it does it will make them vote against him if they still are undecided.

The Republicans in PA., screwed the pooch to help Trump claim he win the state before any mail-in ballots were counted.

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