Trump Junior Bashes Mar-A-Lago: Place For Bad Drunken Political Opinions

Don Jr hates New Year's Eve at Mar-A-Lago!

On Trump Junior's Triggered podcast Monday, he explained how much he dislikes being at Mar-A-Lago on New Year's Eve, being forced to listen to political opinions he doesn't want to hear.

It's his birthday, which adds to his discomfort.

TRUMP JUNIOR: New Year's is always a little rough.

I, you know, I, my birthday is New Year's Eve. So, uh, you know, tomorrow, tomorrow's my birthday.

I get older.

Uh, when I was a kid, New Year's Eve was a lot better because it was like, there's always something to do.

There's always a party. There's always something. I just lost my FB.

Uh, there's always something, but, uh, now it's sort of like amateur night and I realized that.

And so, you know, I, I get to be around a thousand drunk people giving me their political opinions that I don't necessarily want to hear.

Uh, you know, while I love Mar-a-Lago, it's sort of like, you know, the, you know, by, by about midnight when everyone's like, you know, 12 beers deep or, you know, whatever it is they're drinking, uh, you know, the close talking opinions, uh, you know, it's, it's not for me, I'm, I'm, you wouldn't know it, but I'm basically a recluse.

When people refer to New Year's Eve as "amateur night" that tells you something about their drinking and using. I'm just saying.

Is he a professional drunkard?

Poor thing.

It's bad enough listening to MAGA rubes when they aren't wasted.

Don't drink and drive or podcast!

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