Fox Host: 'The Left Shouldn't Be Mad At Musk, He Created The Electric Car!'

Musk is a white supremacist, homophobic asshole. And

On Fox News' Outnumbered, host Gerri Willis defended the cadre of billionaires trying to rule the United States of America by sucking up to Trump.

I mean, they've created so many good things for us! Ugh.

Fox News is predictably in love with uber-rich tech broligarchs who support Demented Donald.

WILLIS: Where is the credit for these guys? Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, you name it.

A number of CEOs who have made big differences for this country and have led us to be number one in technology.

These are the people who are gonna lead us in AI and we have to dominate AI because if we don't, China will.

So kudos to these guys.

They've done a lot for us and the whole idea that the left is mad at Elon Musk makes me crazy because he's the one who developed their favorite product in the world, the electric car.

So how can you be mad at him?

Let these gazillionaires keep creating new tech, but keep this as a country for the people, not the fucking rich.

Abraham Lincoln is a hero to the right, but they quickly ignore some of his most important words and beliefs.

Remember the Gettysburg Address, Gerri?

...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Not a government for the Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg to rule.

PS Elmo didn't "invent" the electric car. And his cybertrucks are ugly.

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