Pete Hegseth Defends Trump's Vile DC Air Crash Comments
As SecDef, Hegseth's role is to cosign every stinking thought Trump utters.
Fox and Friends brought on former Fox News host Pete Hegseth to discuss the DC helicopter airplane disaster, and immediately, he defended Trump's horrific claims that diversity caused the collision.
Co-host Ainsley Earhardt was revved up: “Let’s talk about DEI." It went downhill from there.
The attacks from the MAGA cult on DEI are flat-out racist. It's the polite alternative to yelling the "N" word on air over and over again.
Diversity did not cause the plane crash, Fox hosts. You're spouting racism to cover for Trump's incompetence and heartlessness.
Hegseth is a typical UTL in his cabinet. (Unqualified Trump loyalist).
EARHARDT: The FAA launched a national outreach program for DEI, which included a push to hire workers with severe intellectual disabilities and psychiatric problems.
[Editor's note : that's a lie]
When you're a mom and you're a dad and you're putting your kids on the plane or you're flying as a family, that's unacceptable.
We don't care about your race.
We want to make sure whoever's in there that it's fully manned and we want to make sure they're qualified.
HEGSETH: Completely unacceptable.
Ainsley, you're exactly right. So I don't know exactly how the staffing occurred in that particular air traffic control tower.
And it sounds like there was a shortage and the investigation will tell us more about that.
But the environment around which we choose pilots or air traffic controllers, as the president pointed out correctly yesterday, better be the highest possible standard.
The best of the best who are managing multiple flights.I mean, a flight a minute and managing radio traffic.
Both Hegseth and Trump are claiming that unqualified Blacks were hired as air traffic controllers to fill out a government requirement.
Racist pigs.
Hegseth then launched into another racist tirade that claimed only white applicants are genuinely qualified for these jobs.
You don't have to read between the lines to understand that.
HEGSETH: I think the closest analogy to military service, guys, is pilots or air traffic controllers.
I don't care what background they come from, what their race is, what their gender is, if they're rich or they're poor. I just need them to be good at their job because I need my flight to land safely.
The same thing applies to the defense department, to our military. I don't care about your background, your gender or your skin color. I want the best.
And that's why when the president says merit-based and colorblind, he's exactly right across government.
So he's correct to point out at the FAA or in our flights, it should not be about anything other than excellence.
That's it, excellence.
I don't care the color of the skin of the pilot on my plane or in the air traffic controller.
MAGAts demean qualified individuals by smearing President Biden and claiming his purpose was filling a quota instead of hiring people up to the task of the job.
Again, this is a lie.
But we've, for too long under Biden, cared about those things, emphasized those things, pushed real or perceived quotas.
At the defense department, we're ending all of that.
It's been made very clear across all of our services and commands.
It is merit only.
And that means we'll get the best of the best.
And that's what our taxpayers and the American people expect and deserve.
And in the business of war fighting, which the defense department is in, if you don't have the best of the best, you lose people.
Pete claims that gender and skin color do not apply in his algorithm. His qualifications are most notably being white and Christian.
Still, in the history of this country, including today, highly qualified minority candidates of all genders, creeds, and colors were denied opportunities at these jobs because of racism.
This is why Demented Donald chose Pete Hegseth to be his SecDef.