Sen. Murphy: Trump Implementing 'Billionaire Takeover Of Government'
The Connecticut lawmaker is explaining to America we face a crisis as damaging as Watergate
Senator Chris Murphy joined ABC News and explained that Donald Trump and Elon Musk's attacks on federal agencies are unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal -- and are the precursor for taking over the federal government by the billionaire class.
Musk paid over $250 million dollars to Trump's campaign to attack and control the federal government. This is not what the Founding Fathers wanted when they wrote the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
He said that this is the biggest scandal since Watergate. Donald Trump is trying to seize power in a little illegal fashion and must be stopped at all costs.
RADDATZ: You have used incredibly strong language, a constitutional crisis, grossly unconstitutional, pretty alarming language.
MURPHY: Yeah, listen, I think this is the most serious constitutional crisis the country has faced, certainly since Watergate. The president is attempting to seize control of power and for corrupt purposes.
The president wants to be able to decide how and where money is spent so that he can reward his political friends, he can punish his political enemies.
That is the evisceration of democracy.
You stand that next to the wholesale endorsement of political violence with the pardons given to every single January 6th rider, including the most violent who beat police officers over the head with baseball bats.
And you can see what he's trying to do here.
He is trying to crush his opposition by making them afraid of losing federal funding, by making them afraid of physical violence. And so, yes, this is a red alert moment when this entire country has to understand that our democracy is at risk.
And for what?
The billionaire takeover of government.
Elon Musk is using his incredible wealth as a cudgel against all members of Congress who do not bow to their will. This is an act of treason.
MAGA GOP and Trump do not want a constitutional government but a fascist dictatorship run by one man and one man alone. Actually I should say two men. Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
This is an affront to everything this country fought for: from breaking free from the British, the Civil War, voting and civil rights, etc.
MAGATs hate everything a democratic society offers and instead want a fascist dictatorship that is led by Christian nationalism and white supremacy.