Solve Your Tax Problems - Romney Style

As has been widely reported on this site, Romney is having a particularly difficult tax season. That is no reason to make his life any less miserable (I'm sorry about the double negative--I'm a passionate man pushed to the brink). Perhaps this

As has been widely reported on this site, Romney is having a particularly difficult tax season. That is no reason to make his life any less miserable (I'm sorry about the double negative--I'm a passionate man pushed to the brink). Perhaps this humble ad parody will help explain why.*

That really is the PO Box behind which Romney parks many millions of dollars tax-free, drop him a line with your questions. Or, just call (212) 326-9420. Ask for the "Cayman Getaway Package" and tell them Mitt's guy sent you.

*On a side note: seems like every week I see a story indicating that "Taxmasters" is in such severe legal trouble that there is no possible way they will continue to run those terrible, awkward, strange ads. And yet, seems like every day I see one of their g-d ads. They are either geniuses or I am an idiot, but I have no idea what their business model is. Marketing-wise they clearly save on production costs what they spend on distribution, yet their business plan seems somewhere in the "Enron Of Personal Tax Debt Rip-Off Scheme" territory. Best of luck to everyone involved, one suspects they'll need it.

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