Mike's Blog Round Up
It's been a slice people. I leave you hoping each and every one of you VOTES on November 2nd! And if you're in Arizona, watch out for the Teapublican mailers! People's World: Sitting Out the Elections? Think Again! Choices Campus
It's been a slice people. I leave you hoping each and every one of you VOTES on November 2nd! And if you're in Arizona, watch out for the Teapublican mailers!
People's World: Sitting Out the Elections? Think Again!
Choices Campus Blog: Get Out HER Vote: On the Road
NAMI Blog: Get Ready, Get Set, Vote!
Diatribes of Jay: 10 Reasons to Vote Democratic in 2010
Latinoaview: Vote Republican? Not Hardly.
Mugsy's Rap Sheet: 101 Reasons Not to Vote Republican
Rock the Vote! Get Out the Vote! Declare Yourself! Can I Vote? Absentee Voting What to Bring.
Guest round up by Swimgirl. Batocchio is up next; send tips to batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com.