Cavuto Ask Senator Coburn: Why Did You Go After Poor, Put-Upon Fox News? UPDATED

April 14, 2010 FOX News Heather: Tom Coburn backtracks from his previous criticism of Fox News and claims he was just being critical of all of the me

criticism of Fox News and claims he was just being critical of all of the media instead. When asked why he singled out Fox News he said he knows that's what his conservative constituents who attend his town halls watch. They're all Fox-crazy!! They love Fox.

Funny he was not willing to name another media source pushing the IRS lie. Maybe he was referring to right wing hate talk radio, since that's likely the only other place a great deal of his constituents get their "news" as well.

John Amato:

I wonder how Coburn feels to have Bill O'Reilly lie to his face and deny FOX promoted the very claims that Coburn is making about FOx News?

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