Ann Coulter Just Can't Resist Making Up Wild And Crazy Crapola
[media id=6946] Unfortunately, it seems those stories about Ann Coulter having her jaw wired shut were groundless indeed. She was on Neil Cavuto's Fo
Unfortunately, it seems those stories about Ann Coulter having her jaw wired shut were groundless indeed. She was on Neil Cavuto's Fox News show today, pitching her new book and weighing in on how the Blagojevich scandal taints Obama, yadda yadda yadda. But of course, in addition to the yadda, she brought the usual dose of wingnut bats--t crazy along (captured in the above edited version of the interview): theorizing that "Daily Kos has more to fear from [Obama] than I do" and that Patrick Fitzgerald filed the complaint so that Obama couldn't fire him. Right.
But my favorite moment was this:
Coulter: Oh, third point. I just want to mention -- Liberals, hysterical with me throughout the campaign for calling him B. Hussein Obama, we found out yesterday, that's what he likes to be called.
Cavuto: What are you saying in this --
Coulter: He's changed his -- now that he's president --
Cavuto: Yeah, but when he's inaugurated -- remember it was a thing with Jimmy Carter, you know, whether they were gonna call him James Earl Carter --
Coulter: Yeah, but as president, he wants to be known as Barack - Hussein - Obama.
Cavuto: How do you know that?
Coulter: He announced it yesterday!
Cavuto: Where did he announce it?
Coulter: [pause] I don't know! Wherever he announces things! Where does he announce anything?
Of course, there was no such announcement. If you go to the Obama transition website, you'll find no such announcements, either among the press releases or on the blog. It didn't come up in his momentary discussions with the press yesterday, or any of his press conferences at any time.
The only time the matter of his middle name has come up has been when he was interviewed by the Chicago Tribune, and he said this:
Q: Do you anticipate being sworn in as Barack Obama or Barack Hussein Obama?
O: I think the tradition is that they use all three names, and I will follow the tradition, not trying to make a statement one way or the other. I'll do what everybody else does.
"Crazy liar" only begins to describe Ann Coulter. But then, you knew that.