Coulter Brings Up A Tender Subject For Hannity: Fox Anchors Getting Waterboarded

[media id=8201] I'm pretty sure Ann Coulter must practice her toxic little bon mots in front of a mirror, because they never really are spontaneous.

a flat-out lie.

But we noticed Hannity squirming in his seat a little as Coulter began talking about all the Fox employees who actually have been waterboarded for the sake of greater News Corp ratings. Because Sean Hannity, after all, offered to be waterboarded "for charity" back on April 22 on his show with Charles Grodin (we've attached that clip to the end of this video):

However, two weeks later, Hannity has yet to mention the promise again — despite the offer from MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann to help Hannity raise funds by donating $1,000 for every second Hannity is waterboarded.

Funny he didn't follow up on that with Coulter, dontcha think? I mean, Hannity's a big brave red-blooded American, isn't he?

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