Glenn Beck's Scary Negro Militants Turn Out To Be Really, Really Scary Dancers

[media id=9645] It really must take a special level of Teh Stoopids to be Glenn Beck. You all may remember this video from a couple of weeks ago, ba

the Threat of Evil Negroes Like Van Jones. (Presumably, the basis of this threat has something to do with black people being Sons of Ham or something like that.)

Well, Matt Osborne at HuffPo did some digging around to determine the nature of the second group of Scary Negroes featured in Beck's rant. And it turns out that they are very, very scary members of a black dance troupe:

Dated October 9th, 2008, here's a YouTube description from Christiv3:

A typical step show on college campuses throughout the country. The young kids from the "Obama Junior Fraternity" are emulating a historically black fraternity that is found on college campuses throughout the nation. Their teacher was probably a member.

Young men in this fraternity DO go on to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, architects and engineers. Not a bad way to achieve these goals..

These kids want to go to college so they can be like the men in this video who are in college and are pursueing their dreams.

Other members of this fraternity include Bill Cosby, Jesse Jackson, Langston Hughes, Count Basie and Michael Jordan.

Cosby, Basie, and Jordan? Commies, all of 'em.

The kids in Beck's video are students at the Urban Community Leadership Academy in Kansas City, Missouri. How did I learn this? Why, from going to the original "Negro army" YouTube video post ...

Yup, that's purty durn scary there, pilgrim.

And if you really want to make Beck pee his pants, dig up some breakdancing video.

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